DKC advises companies on the planning and execution of short, mid-term and long-term strategies.
Identifying and Evaluating Project Risks
DKC advises clients on specific projects by identifying and evaluating project risks. As a bespoke package with our Structuring Service, we work with our clients to provide solutions in order to mitigate or eradicate those risks.

How We Add Value
There is little value in generic advice.
Our considerable expertise in the maritime, offshore energy and renewables sectors, coupled with the collaborative DKC approach of working closely with our clients to get a deep understanding of their business, allows us to advise clients on the adoption of specific strategies to optimize their business and/or the identification and evaluation of specific project risks.
Case Studies

DKC advised a client in the offshore energy sector on specific risks associated with an ongoing power project. In addition, by taking into account where in the power supply chain this particular client sat, and the unique country risks in play, DKC advised the client on a mid-term diversification strategy to ensure the continued relevance of the party and stable future earnings.

DKC advised a client in the renewables sector on specific risks associated with their existing and newly proposed financing structures. The advisory work undertaken followed on from an initial engagement whereby DKC introduced the client to potential funders.